The October supply (yes, it has a few weeks left to mature):
And the November supply (in 8 weeks, this will be looking good):
This past weekend I also seeded the December salad greens. This coming weekend, the January supply will be seeded and the following weekend the February supply. In order to overwinter this stuff, not only will the greens be protected in coldframes, the varieties are also extremely cold tolerant. Lettuces such as Arctic King, North Pole, Winter Density, and Red Oakleaf have been planted. Asian greens such as Mizuna and Tatsoi will add to the mix. Arugula, Mache, and Claytonia will add some interest. Finally Spinach, one of the most cold hearty (second only to Mache) greens will round out the bunch.
I've got some radishes coming in nicely as well:
These are the French Breakfast variety.
I mentioned that Fall is a transition time. Remember the Super 100 tomatoes that I posted about several times? Well, here is that plant after it gave all that it had:
Poor thing - it was a trooper!
A special 'hello' and 'thanks' to my wife's friends whom I met this past weekend. Your kind words about the blog and your 'stalking' were most appreciated! :-) I even got a little inspiration - more on that in the Spring.
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